Powidltascherl (Plum Jam Turnovers)

Powidtascherl, or plum jam turnovers, are a favorite treat in Vienna and across Austria.

These delicious plum jam turnoversare about as Austrian as you can get. Difficult to find outside of Austria, Germany, and Eastern Europe, they originally hail from neighboring Bohemia (now the Czech Republic) but have become a staple in Austrian kitchens.
The delicate pastries, made with a distinctive potato dough, are filled with a combination of plum jam, rum or plum schnapps, then topped with a mixture of breadcrumbs, butter, and walnuts. A bit of cinnamon and vanilla add aroma and a hint of spice. Some restaurants serve them with chocolate sauce or sugar.
Where to Try It: Many of the traditional cafes and restaurants in Vienna serve this typical delicacy, and the Schick hotel is also well known for their own version. Some local bakeries also make their own versions as well.
